Steps to setup a new SD card

Hello, the SD card in my Raspberry shake has been corrupted, and I need to replace it with a new SD card. I’m reaching out to ask for your help regarding what needs to be done to replace this SD card. We obviously need a new SD card. Are there any that you recommend us using? Additionally, since this is a blank SD card, what are the recommendations for software to download and can you point me to the links for this software? Do you need any information to update your database’s details for this Raspberry Shake? Is there anything else we need to consider? Any help you have would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!

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Hello Kad108,

As far as cards go. I have been using this type in my Rshakes and other Raspberry Pis. I have never had issues with them and they are the MLC type that is recommended to use with the RShake:

Chino Hills, Ca

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Hello kad108, and welcome to our community!

Following Steve’s recommendation, we definitely advise buying commercial-grade (MLC) or industrial-grade (SLC) microSD cards., as they are the one that have the best performance with our Shakes.

Regarding the burning procedure, I will leave it here for your convenience:

Once done, insert the microSD card into the Shake and boot it. That will be it!

I wanted to contribute to this thread and suggest this also be added to article on setting up a new SD card.

Its really hard to format a microsd card on a Max. You end up not exposing the whole card. I found a real stable way of doing this for Mac users …

download the Raspberry Pi imager for Mac, and you select the operating system, scroll down until you see the format card option.

Rename the image to ‘boot’

that’s it. simple


Hello sbuchan, and thank you so much for this!

I will forward it so that the manual (and the Shake OS image instructions) can be updated accordingly.