Category | Topics |
Technical SupportWelcome to the Raspberry Shake Community Technical Support Forum! Post your questions about Raspberry Shake here and get the answers you need from our experts! Before posting, please read our pinned post to get started here!
Applications/UsesAre you using your Shake for something specific other than earthquake monitoring? Share your Shake use case here
AnnouncementsThe latest news and updates from the Raspberry Shake Team
DevelopersThis is a space to discuss code questions and examples.
Site FeedbackDiscussion about this site, its organization, how it works, and how we can improve it.
Special EventsA category to talk about special events like BIG or local earthquakes
Quake QuestionsThis is a place to talk about, and learn about, the physics / theoretical side of these fascinating geological processes. Why not ask the community what is on your mind?.. Quake related of course! (Please note this is not the place for Technical Support issues).
General QuestionsAll questions that don’t fit into any other existing category.
RBOOM & InfrasoundHave you picked up any strange infrasound readings recently? Share your findings with the community and any other interesting RBOOM related experiences!
Mobile AppThis category is for talking about any issues or questions you might have related to the newly released mobile application.
MarketplaceWhere to ask about purchasing, trading, or donating Shake units or Raspberry Pi’s.
This is intended to allow Shake users to easily find each other or to announce offerings of hardware availablity. It is explicitly not intended to handle any actual money transactions, which is left to be handled by the users themselves. |
Raspberry Shake EducationTopics related to Shake education, classroom demonstrations, teaching tools, and other fun and interesting things.
Vaults & Outdoor UseHave you built your own seismic vault or do you want to explore the possibility? Perhaps you want to use your shake outdoors and would like to discuss setting up a solar panel to power it? Share your thoughts and ideas with the community here!
SWARMFor anything SWARM-related and not a Technical Support issue.