A little background, I was having alot of missing data points in my shake bith on the server and lically. After reading the forums i found a better power supply which stopped givibg me undervoltage errors and the missibg data. Howerever, before i found this solution, i decided to redo the SD card using a newer image and instructions Here from this forum. It appeared to work and the data was flowing smoothly, after using a new power source too.
Now comes the questions/issues. Every hour, on the hour, the data stops being publiahed to the main server for around 5-8 minutes then goes fine u til the next hour. Tge helical log is showing the data is all there, seen here:
This is what online looks like
If anyone has any suggestions id love to hear and test it out, attached is the log file
RSH.RD11A.2025-02-01T23_58_51.logs.tar (761 KB)
Hello Rich, and welcome back to the community!
Wow, this is quite something indeed. It’s the first time I’m seeing such peculiar behavior.
Good to know that you managed to fix the previous data gaps with a new power supply. Regarding these unusual gaps, instead, can you do the following procedure?
- turn off your Shake
- disconnect all cables from it
- restart your router and wait for it to regain internet connection
- now reconnect LAN and power cable to the Shake in this order
- turn on the Shake again
Then, wait for about 6-12 hours and, when you can, download the new logs and send them to me.
I would like to see if there are any differences compared with the current log set, and also what the logs show after a full, fresh, restart.
Thank you for your collaboration.
I unplugged the lan cable and powered it down, swapped to anotger port on my managed switch as another test because restating the router/firewall can become a pain with my whole vlans and network, not always, but i prefer only as a last resort.
Initial results are good, but its onky been first hour. I was able to see the live stream during the normal oitage timeframe. And around the 30 minute mark when it was updated on the 24hour plot it showed no gaps. I will check back on it in a few hours to see if there is any change.
On a related note, does the 24 hour plot only update every 30 minutes?
This was during the live view
After 24 hour plot updated
Well that was short lived, lol. Connection timeoit now
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Thank you for the further tests Rich.
Regarding the helicorder, that should update in real-time, but I’ll ask more info to our app team to be sure. If there is a fix to apply, they’ll do it.
When you wake up this morning (and when you have time), can you download the new logs? Curious to see how the “whole” line after restart appears compared to all the others which are displaying the gaps.
Thank you!
RSH.RD11A.2025-02-03T13_17_08.logs.tar (1.0 MB)
This is the latest log file.
I wonder if it has something to do with the file used to redo the sd card, link in forst post. I did notice the dates on the files were newer than what the old files were. If there a different version i could try?
Hello again, and thank you for the logs.
I’m seeing lines that show a potential underlying problem that I think it’s worth checking:
2025 031 21:31:23>> !…ªW\EIЉW SEEÄE
2025 031 21:31:23>> !E‹W(
2025 031 21:31:23>> 16169 269
2025 031 21:31:23>> No Data has been received from the MCU in 12 read attempts.It appears the MCU is not transmitting data. This is a fatal condition and should be investigated if this condition persists!
2025 031 21:31:23>> Data has been successfully received, fatal condition resolved.
As you can see, the logs you’ve provided contain some “gibberish” mixed with “no data received” errors.
As you have already checked your power supply, and replaced it with a better working one, I would check if all the connections between the sensor, the blue Shake board, and the Pi board are still solid and free from dirt or any other element that could compromise transmission. If you decide to disassemble the Shake when doing this, please make sure you are using proper ESD (ElectroStatic Discharge) protection (such as gloves, etc.), as electronics do not like static electricity too much.
As a last resort, and to also reply to your latest question, then I would recommend re-burning the microSD card again (or, better, using a different microSD if you have one) after formatting and erasing all its data/partitions first (you can use DISKPART for this as it is very efficient), and see how the Shake behaves with the newly installed system, removing potential issues derived from corrupted files. I will leave the burning instructions link here for your convenience: microSD card topics
Thank you for your collaboration.
I will try a new sd card when i get home and reimage it. Im confident the connections are good to the accessories pkugged into the PI due to the helicorder showing no gaps. I find it odd that the helicorder data is all there but nit uploading to the server. One of those mysteries of IT
ill let you know what the oitcome is.