RS4D intensity reading

Hi there!

I just wanted to know if data from the RS4D can provide any information on the shaking intensity experienced following earthquakes that are felt and recorded by the instrument.

Thank you!

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Also, if a local minor earthquake is only recorded on the vertical component and not on the horizontal component does that have anything to do with it being felt or not?


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Hi :wave:,

Yes, the RS4D can provide data on shaking intensity during an earthquake, useful for assessing impact. If a minor earthquake is only recorded on the vertical component, it might be less noticeable, as humans are more sensitive to horizontal motion. Other factors, like depth, also play a role.

Hope this helps!



Thank you, yes that makes sense. I have felt a few which were only recorded on the vertical component however they were very minor without a brief sound/rattle.

Regarding the intensity, how would I be able to determine intensities from my data?

Thank you

Our @sheeny has created some very useful Python programs (that you can find here: GitHub - sheeny72/RPiSandB: Python programs for Raspberry Shake and Boom seismometers and infrasound detectors.), and there is one to estimate the magnitude of earthquakes that may be very small and thus not reported by agencies.

It may be what you are looking for.

P.s. Welcome to the community elijahross!

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