R5C9B offline - power cycle did not help

Responding to “offline” email. Power cycle did not help.
I have a local data cast stream that is delivering data…
So I am reporting the issue as requested in the email.

There have been no recent power outages or other
events that have altered my local network or internet

Time zone is UTC. Time is incorrect by 1 hour
date shows a time of 04:15 when it is 05:15.

I have set the date/time manually but this is clearly a problem.

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Hello TerryD, and welcome back to the community.

Thank you for getting back to us and explaining your Shake situation.

Could I please ask you to download the logs from the Shake (instructions can be found here, if needed: Please read before posting!) and post them in your reply?

They will help us understand what is possibly causing your Shake to not connect to our servers.

Thank you!

RSH.R5C9B.2025-01-16T19_20_15.logs.tar (4.6 MB)

current log attached. nothing changed that I know about on
the device or the network.

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Hello TerryD, and thank you for the logs.

From them, it appears that the Shake is not able to find any network to connect to:

2025 016 19:20:02: Network detection failed, unable to curl or ping common sites

Network Accessible : NO

Can you reboot the Shake and check if all its LEDs behave as described here: Technical Specifications?

Particularly, the LEDs on the Ethernet port (point 3) on that list.

Another check that you probably have already done, but have you tried switching to another Ethernet cable?

Also, can you try the following procedure?

  • turn off your Shake
  • disconnect all cables from it
  • restart your router and wait for it to regain internet connection
  • now reconnect LAN and power cable to the Shake in this order
  • turn on the Shake again

Then, wait for about 30-60 minutes and, when you can, download the new logs and send them to me.

I would like to see if there are any differences compared with the current log set, and also what the logs show after a full, fresh, restart.

Thank you for your collaboration.