Noisy Shake

Hello all,

This is the first time I’ve posted here. Looking at the map, my station seems to be “noisy” compared to others in the area. While it did seem to align with the data for the recent 2.2 that occured yesterday upstate from us, the data also looks a bit skewed when idle. Does this mean I have a bad geophone? Is there any way to tune/reduce the sensitivity?

The station itself is in a detatched garage that otherwise has very little activity during the day.


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Hello erikenwall, and welcome to the community!

Could you tell me (even in private, if you wish) your Shake code so that I can do some checks on our side of things? Also, could you download and attach the logs from the Shake (instructions can be found here, if needed: Please read before posting!) to your reply?

All our Shakes are factory-calibrated and tested, but I would like to see the data your Shake is recording before doing anything else.

Thank you very much.

Apologies for the delay. My ID is AM.RB7FF.00.EHZ. Some other stations in the area that I’m comparing my data against are R6498 and RCA44 (I don’t own those, but they are geograpically close to me).

I’ve attached the logs as requested, and thank you!
RSH.RB7FF.2024-10-16T13_19_12.logs.tar (2.9 MB)

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Hello erikenwall,

Thank you for both the Shake references and the logs. From what I can see, your Shake is operating very well, with no particular issues during both booting and standard working processes.

Now, onto the noise; from what I was able to see for all three stations, there is the usual pattern of quiet nights and busy daytime. For your Shake and Shake R6498, noise appears to cover a wider frequency span, while for Shake RCA44, noise seems most present at slowly higher frequencies.

(the images above show busy daytime signals)

To show seismic signals, I recommend filtering your Shake records so that you can “remove” all the local noise and see what’s “hidden” behind it. For example, here’s the arrival of last week’s M6.2 off the coast of Costa Rica: the first image shows the raw data recorded by the Shake, the second instead the filtered one.

You can “play” with filters in both DataView ( and our mobile app (Mobile and Web Apps). If you require anything else, I remain available as usual.