M 2.7 Cornwall - Nothing on Shake Network

According to Cornwall shaken by 2.7 magnitude earthquake - BBC News this struck at 00:50 today Sunday 19th Nov but as of 17:15 hours this still hasn’t shown up on the Shake network events list despite local stations clearly detecting it. Why would that be?

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Not all events make it to the list. How far is your station from the reported location? Did you see it on your station?


Hi JCSeis742. Mine is hundreds of miles from the reported location & possibly might have seen a glint of it. However the 2-3 stations I checked which are very close showed a definite, strong corresponding signal. I’m sure other stations in the area would have picked it up also. It was a surprise not to see it register on the Shake network.

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You should check the event lists of USGS and EMSC in those cases. According to my observations, raspishake does not currently have its own event monitoring. The named event was not part o EMSC’s reporting
Earthquake information.


Hello Hadders,

Thank you for reporting this. I will ask our server team to check in case there have been issues that may have caused this.

As a reminder, as also JCSeis has highlighted, only the manually reviewed events appear on our current lists/maps. This is done to increase data reliability (particularly with preliminary information when large earthquakes happen) and to provide an improved service to the community.

Also, we continuously strive to push forward what we offer, so this feedback is always welcome!


In case this helps the M 2.5 reported yesterday at Earthquakes around the British Isles in the last 60 days was visible to a local station (R5510) but again nothing reported on the Shake network

Not necessarily for the ShakeNet team but I wonder if there’s a way to incorporate such data from the BGS.


Hello Hadders,

Thank you for the further feedback! I remember reading about this quake online, and this is a very clear capture of the event.

As our checks for the last event came out with the systems working in green status, I will ask our team to see what we can do to, as you suggested, incorporate data from BGS (and, who knows, maybe other available sources) in our data streams.

Thanks Stormchaser. As mentioned in a different thread the BGS do publish a feed Online data feeds & I’ve written to the primary email address given on British Geological Survey Contacts asking if they have any suggestions for how this data could be incorporated into the Raspberry Shake network reporting system either directly or indirectly. I will update this thread with anything relevant I hear.


Thank you for this Hadders!

And yes, if you hear any news, I’m sure our team will appreciate any update.