Information about Units, how to Convert Them?


My Raspberry Shake is running now for some weeks and is collecting data. I also installed the SWARM software and looked at the collected data.

In the diagrams I read “counts”, but I couldn’t find any explanation about this unit. To understand the data better, I would like to know how I can convert the data into a well known unit like m/s.

Where can I find more information about the units displayed in SWARM and how can I convert the shown units into other ones?


Hi Tobias, the following post may help you:


Thank you for the reference. I tried to do this, checked this box, but I can not see any difference.

It still just shows counts…


I think this is because you are viewing your Shake data locally (i.e. you are not forwarding data). When you forward data, our server generates a response file based on your instrument specifications, and that response file is what Swarm uses to convert counts to real-world units. Once you turn your data forwarding on, you will have access to your station via the RS Community server, which will allow using calibrations.