Finally - a meteor passed just over our village in southern Norway at UTC time 23:08:52 yesterday July 24. 2021, and probably landet 40 kilometers away. My camera detected the fantastic light, not directly, it lasted for about 2-3 sec., it was just like daylight and people heard boom/sound. Almost impossible to be closer than this.
I checked my R S&B, (station AM.R25D6), by using swarm, and it seems to have detected “something”, but the time does not fit compared to the time 23:08:52, It shows that something happened 23:11:29, i.e. 2,5 minutes later. I feel there is something wrong with the whole setup, but I’m may be a little lost here. Need more experience, even the system has been running 389 days without any reset or stop. May be an update will be good for the R S&B?
RSH.R25D6.2021-07-25T15_33_41.logs.tar (3.1 MB)
qqqq.pdf (529.1 KB)