Blank data gaps in shake data


My shake is directly connected to the router by cable, internet service is continuos but my shake keeps getting blank data spaces which I dont see in other shakes.

Is there any way to improve this?

You are not the only one, I get them too. But if I check the data locally, it is there. I’ve tried many things, but still no luck.

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Believe this is still related to the recent outage and ongoing work to fully restore all functions.
If you go back and check at a later time you will see the data filled in.


Hello jaramx, patiofurniture (welcome to our community!) and tstolze (welcome back!),

The gaps you are seeing are related to the work to fix the recent server outage and will slowly backfill with data as we continue operating on our ecosystem.

As you have already noticed, data is locally available on your Shakes, so if you need immediate access to data in those gaps, you can visualize it with one of the methods listed in our manual: How to visualize the waveforms in real time

We apologize for this inconvenience and thank you for your continued patience while we are addressing this situation. You can find all updates on it here: Live Data Issues