What diff pressure sensor is used in RBOOM?

I’ve played and tested several differential pressure sensors to record infrasound events.
I’m tempted to buy RBOOM Infrasound measurement system but first I’d like to know the model of the diff pressure sensor used there.


Hello Danylo, and welcome to our community!

You can find all the technical specifications of all our Shake models (BOOM included) in this file here: https://manual.raspberryshake.org/_downloads/RSGlobalTechnicalSpecificationsDocument.pdf

For a fast answer, the pressure sensor we use in our BOOM and Shake&BOOM models is a MEMS (micro-electromechanical systems) temperature compensated differential pressure transducer.

If you don’t find what you are looking for, or have other questions, feel free to ask!

Thanks @Stormchaser, the page you linked is informative but it does not tell me what I’m looking for.
The type description of the microbarograph says:

MEMS (micro-electromechanical systems) temperature compensated differential pressure transducer

But it does not tell me a thing. All seismographs in the file have their model specified (like RGI-20DX, Sunfull PS-4.5B) but the microbarograph description omits the model. I find it strange. Why?

Probably the secret to RB performance is that the MEMS device produces a voltage that goes to a high performance 24-bit A/D converter. MEMS devices like the one in the Robinson paper typically have 16 bits or less. Everything is mounted on a very compact PCB, as you can see from the product pictures. There is very little opportunity for noise pickup. I expect the analog part of the board is electrically isolated from the RPI interface, the same way high-spec audio equipment is constructed.

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