Hi there. I’m new to using the Shake and understanding the data types that come from the accelerometers and Geophone (4D).
I’m trying to program either this device(or the main Pi operating microphone, camera and data transmission) to determine when to start recording once a train is passing.
Theoretically, once there is enough ground vibration magnitude from the passing train, the Pi will send a signal to the camera and microphone to record. I have the underlying startup code for those working, I just need to find out how I can interpret the magnitude levels from the accelerometer(s) in a non visual medium.
My question is, is it possible to extract accelerometer data from the Shake as its own output and say,
if(sustained magnitude)
{execute recording}?
Would it be possible for someone to explain the locations of this data, and the best way to quantify it?
(I’m an electrical engineer, not a geologist.)