Timing Issue with the Waveform Clipboard in Data View

As if there’s not enough to do…

I noticed this before the server issues when working with some of Philip Peake’s data for the tutorial, so this precedes the server issues. I’ve now had it happen again and can document it.

I saved this from the waveform clipboard:

I later came back to the helicorder looking for the same event, but it wasn’t there. It was here:

Roughly 4 minutes earlier on the helicorder.

Now the fact that I’ve got a second copy from the waveform clipboard with the correct time suggests it’s an intermittent problem. Good luck with that - I know what they’re like!

Just for reference here’s the data from the time shown on the first waveform clipboard file:

It looks like sometimes it takes the centre time of the sample (the time clicked on the helicorder) and uses that time near the front of the waveform clipboard plot.



PS I also just realised the time SCALE is wrong as well. Maybe that’s more the issue?



Here’s a screenshot of the helicorder just in case that helps at all.



Hello sheeny, and thank you for this. That’s a keen eye right there!

Again, this is possibly related to all the ongoing background work to restore our servers (an update should come between today and tomorrow), and having this feedback is always positive. Reported to our server team so that they can see what is going on in this particular instance.

Thank you sheeny.

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This issue is still occurring. Just FYI in case it is helpful to solving the issue here are some more examples:

FYI the correct P arrival time for this quake is 20:42:07 UTC.



Hello sheeny,

Thank you again for all these examples (I saw this quake yesterday coming in from the East Coast stations in real-time while I was working on something else).

I will pass them to the team as I have done with the previous ones.

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