The NEW StationView

We have given our StationView web app a facelift and added some new exciting features.
Check out the new app and learn about all the improvements we have made in our latest blog article:


Beautiful :heart_eyes::heart_eyes: Great job!


I am going to get used to it before saying too much, but the first things that are slightly annoying:

  • The global list of events - having to expand the map to see it is a bit of a pain, because I lose sight of my own station in the mess. I do like the idea of being able to filter by the area of the map being shown, but it would be nice to be able to turn that filter off, see all the events, select one, the see all it’s details without changing the map view.

  • Minor thing - the color coding “map” of the ground motion is missing. How will people know what those colors mean??


What do you mean? If you’re talking about the legends they are both there…


You are right… but if you have the staton info open, that is hidden.


Thank you for all your feedback Philip and yacine!

Glad that you like it, and thank you also for taking the time to suggest all these improvements! I am passing them to our development team as they come, so that we can work on them.