SWARM RS community data source no data

Hi - In SWARM, the RS community section has no data.

I am able to use Station View in a browser just fine, and rs.local is accessible via my browser just fine - so I don’t think its a firewall issue.

The default config sets an external IP for my local shake, but when I set the IP address to the same IP as seen in rs.local, SWARM displays my shake data just fine. I just can’t seem to get the community data to show up. The problem seems to be caps.raspberryshakedata.com - I can’t ping it, and nslookup says it’s a nonexistent domain.



please modify / update the Host Name as described in this post:


Thanks - that did the trick - just changing to data.raspberryshake.org fixed it.


And we strongly recommend using dataview.raspberryshake.org, a web-like swarm tool.


Thanks, already using that as it’s linked to on the rs.local page but I haven’t explored it much yet

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