The EQ Mw 7.0 at 10 km depth at Loyalty Islands this morning produced significant Rayleigh/Love waves at Banks Peninsula, New Zealand, as recorded by my RS1D RC144.
In the figure below, I’ve separated the raw signal into short (< 1 s) and long (> 1 s) waves using orthogonal wavelet transformation. You can see that the surface waves which started arriving about 670 s after the EQ (having travelled at about 3.5 km/s) have amplitudes almost as high as the original P waves. I think that’s really interesting!
Very clear detection, the surface waves are fantastically evident!
They didn’t manage to reach us here in Scotland this time, but the core waves surely did.
And it was followed by a Mw 7.2 EQ a few hours later. This time, the P waves were much larger (twice the amplitude), but the Rayleigh/Love waves were smaller, though still evident.
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