Stationview, all events, sorted by relevance

What is the criteria for relevance? As in the mobile app, I should see also local earthquakes, but I do not.
Kind regards

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Hello jheiler,

Let’s see, this is the logic that is being used when a “Relevance” sorting is selected.

  1. Obtain lat/lon
  • If a station is selected, StationView will use the lat/lon of that station.
  • If no station is selected, then use the lat/lon from the browser’s address bar, which corresponds to the center of the currently displayed map
  1. Calculate Relevance values for all events
  • calculate the distance (in degrees) between all visible event locations and the location obtained from point 1.
  • Then calculate the Relevance value using this formula (provided by a seismologist):
const d = Math.pow(4.6403, 2);
RelevanceValue = Math.pow(10, e.mag - 3.9720 - 2.1577 * Math.log10(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(dist, 2) + d)));
  1. For last, all events are then ordered so that the one with the larger RelevanceValue appears first.

If I compare my station list on StationView with the list that appears on the Mobile App, I get the same values. Are you instead seeing discrepancies between the two?

As you can see in the screenshots, I selected my station. If I sort the events by distance, two local events are shown, they are not sorting by relevance.
In the android app, the views are correct in this sense.
Kind regards

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Thank you jheiler.

Could I ask you to send a screenshot of what you can see from your Mobile App when you sort by “Relevance”?

As I cannot recreate the issue on my side, I would like to send our software team all possible info so that they can take a look at what is happening.

Please see encl. First pic is app, second desktop.


Thank you very much jheiler; it’s exactly what I needed.

I’ll forward them to our team so that they can crosscheck between the two and see what is going on.

I’ll update you again when I’ll get news from them.