Station View Events not Loading

I have an issue where the Evants are not loading in Station View.

I’ve cleared all cookies, etc and no change…



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Hello Al,

I just tried with both the latest versions of Chrome and Firefox, and the events appear to be loading for me. Could you please try again and check if you can see them now?

Thank you for the prompt feedback as usual!

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Tried again this morning. I was just about to report that nothing had changed, when the events came up. It was very slow though - close to 5 minutes! We are traveling ATM so not on my usual internet connection.

Hopefully that’s all it is!

Thanks for your help,



Hello Al,

5 minutes is a long time indeed, and definitely a loading outlier, as far I remember.

Nonetheless, if it happens again, do let us know, as we are always interested in feedback regarding the performance of our online services. As usual, I’ve passed your info to our team so that they can take a look.

Thank you again Al!

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