Someone with the same problem?

Hey what a Raspberry Shake community.
A question or more than anything I need help, my raspberry has hours without connecting to the server, what would be the reason? Or what can I do?
Are any of you going through the same thing?

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I Relocated my Shake to another Location, and it Instantly started doing the same thing. I also have another Shake aswel that is still Connected, and i HAVENT moved or Restarted that one so yeah Something strange it seems

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Heres an Example! This Station is Obviously Having Restarting issues and Just Recently it Stopped Transmitting Entirely


Right now I dedicated myself to see if it was the only one and apparently I see more disconnected Raspberrys on the map, mostly from 19 hours utc.

Hello EmmaEHZ, and welcome back to the community!

I have asked our server team to check if anything is going on our side.

In the meantime, can I ask you to:

  • download your logs and save them
  • turn off your Shake
  • disconnect all cables from it
  • restart your router and wait for it to regain internet connection
  • now reconnect LAN and power cable to the Shake in this order
  • turn on the Shake again, wait for about 30 min, then download the new logs

When you have the two log sets, please attach them to your reply here on the forum. I would like to see if there are any differences between the current situation and a fresh Shake reboot.

Thank you.

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Of course I have just done the steps, I will see if in 30min it is established if not, I will keep you informed, I still have the hope that in a few hours everything will improve.


Found the Problem, Its on their side it seems. Im thankful i Figured it Out :+1:

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Well, 1 hour and something has passed and there is no solution, just like I say I have faith that everything will improve after a while.
RSH.R4133.2024-12-20T09_29_56.logs.tar (4 MB)

Hello again, and thank you for the logs.

The good news is that the Shake is booting properly, and everything starts as it should, with the Shake finding an internet connection and updating its internal clock.

However, these past lines show a potential underlying problem that I think it’s worth checking:

2024 333 00:37:32>>	SDBQÛĂ„ĂŸOkˆm£‰S27Q Ë”AÐE
2024 333 00:37:32>>	'QA
2024 333 00:37:32>>		16367	423
2024 333 00:37:32>>	JSON Packet error: '[' or '{' expected near 'A'
2024 333 00:37:32>>		Cannot process record, throwing it away.
2024 333 00:37:32>>	A','507A','4787']}
2024 333 00:37:36>>	No Data has been received from the MCU in 12 read attempts.It appears the MCU is not transmitting data.  This is a fatal condition and should be investigated if this condition persists!
2024 333 00:37:36>>	Data has been successfully received, fatal condition resolved.

As you can see, the logs you’ve provided contain some “gibberish” mixed with “no data received” errors.

I would recommend checking if the current power supply you are using is continuing to deliver a stable voltage between 5.0 and 5.2V and a current of at least 2.5A at all times, as a decrease in power could lead to data services interruption. If you have another Pi power supply that you know is in working condition, please try to exchange the current one with that, and see if the Shake now properly works for longer.

A second check that you can do is to see if all the connections between the sensor, the blue Shake board, and the Pi board are still solid and free from dirt or any other element that could compromise transmission. If you decide to disassemble the Shake when doing this, please make sure you are using proper ESD (ElectroStatic Discharge) protection (such as gloves, etc.), as electronics do not like static electricity too much.

As a last resort, and if all these checks come out as positive, then I would recommend re-burning the microSD card again (or using a different microSD) after formatting and erasing all its data/partitions first (you can use DISKPART for this as it is very efficient), and see how the Shake behaves with the newly installed system, removing potential issues derived from corrupted files. I will leave the burning instructions link here for your convenience: microSD card topics

Thank you for your collaboration.

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On word from our software team, they also recommended a further reboot, and your Shake should now be able to connect again to the servers.

If not, as usual, please download the new logs and post them here so we can see if there is something else going on.

Thank you!

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@Stormchaser Good news, With restarting the raspberry shake, everything was solved, just as a precaution I analyzed the last recommendation and everything is in perfect condition in my shake, only that I did not dare to do the micro SD thing, excellent work by the team everything is normal.

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Yes, the microSD card is really a “last resort” type of suggestion, so better that we could solve this without having to work on it.

You’re more than welcome, happy to see your Shake back!

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