Small outdoor vault

Last night at 11:48 pm (PDT) there was a small M2.0 quake centered only 3 km away from me, but 45 km deep. The R-Shake in the vault, R79D5 was able to detect it, as did my other nearby device on the surface RF7DC.

Note: USGS says this happened at 6:48:22 UTC. I wrote the wrong number on the graph, on closer examination my first peak is at 6:48:26.932 UTC on RF7DC and 6:48:26.922 UTC on R79D5 so 45 km in 4.9 seconds means a velocity of 9.2 km/sec (which still seems a bit high).
Time: 2019-05-05 06:48:22 (UTC)
Location: 45.443°N 122.639°W
Depth: 45.0 km

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