Shakenet to seiscomp


I woud like to see all raspshakes in seiscomp. I imported and configured:

==> /opt/seiscomp/etc/key/global/profile_raspshake <==
# Defines the channel code of the preferred stream used by e.g. scautopick and
# scrttv. If no component code is given, the vertical component will be fetched
# from inventory. For that the channel orientation (azimuth, dip) will be used.
# If that approach fails, 'Z' will be appended and used as fallback.
detecStream = EH

==> /opt/seiscomp/etc/key/seedlink/profile_raspshake <==
# Activated plugins for category sources
sources = raspshake:caps

# CAPS URL to fetch data from, format: [[caps|capss]://][user:pass@]host[:port]
sources.raspshake.address = capss://

==> /opt/seiscomp/etc/key/station_AM_R0087 <==
# Binding references

==> /opt/seiscomp/etc/key/station_AM_R00A4 <==
# Binding references

==> /opt/seiscomp/etc/key/station_AM_R00B9 <==
# Binding references

==> /opt/seiscomp/etc/key/station_AM_R00DC <==
# Binding references

==> /opt/seiscomp/etc/key/station_AM_R00F5 <==
# Binding references

etc for all stations… I activated seedlink, did seiscomp update-config, but I can’t get anything in slinktool -Q : .

Any help ?


Hello Fred,

The real-time streaming service and CAPS to SeisComP link is a paid service.

If you are interested, please contact for a quote.

Sorry for my mistake. I had understood it would be possible to get delayed data, not real time.

accessing Shake stations one by one is instead free.

I don’t understand, what do you mean?



Hi Fred:

Great to hear from you!

I modified Giuseppe’s post, removing this comment as I am also unsure what he meant by it.

The real-time streaming service and CAPS to SeisComP link is a paid service.

You can visually see any of your stations streaming in real-time on the ShakeNet web app and any station on the ShakeNet mobile app, but all streaming of data to an institute’s SeisComP system is a paid service. Feel free to email me if you would like a quote.

Yours, Branden

Hi Branden,

Thanks for your answer. But I can’t ask a quote, I’m playing with this for my own curiosity.



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Hello Branden,

I’d be interested as well to stream the data to my institute’s Seiscomp.
I’d like to explore a custom solution. I understand that you have a paid service, however, I’m on a budget.
Could you maybe provide some direction on how to go about it for building a custom likewise integration.


Sure thing @jimalex: just use SeedLink … that is how all of the observatories around the world do it.


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thanks, @branden.
So, just to clarify, the paid service that you offer is the streaming of the data to SeedLink or the real-time usage of the data of other RPi Shakes?

thank you for your quick response

found the page here explaining everything in detail, so no need for that clarification.

So for the CAPS solution, the flow is:
Raspberry Shake Device -> Raspberry Shake Servers -(CAPS)-> Seiscomp3?


That is correct @jimalex!

Raspberry Shake Device -> Raspberry Shake Servers (CAPS) -> Seiscomp (via caps2sl plugin)
