ShakeNet app Use Cases for Amateur Enthusiasts

As an enthusiastic armchair amateur earthquake seeker with 55 years of geological experience living in an aseismic suburban milieu (versus a professional seismologist with a seismic vault network designing the next shake early warning service), I thought I’d take the time to share how I learned (the hard way) to get meaning from my RS3D over a six month operating period, focused on the ShakeNet app run on an iPad, backed up with the RS:local connection to my RS3D set in Standalone mode (due to bandwidth constraints(.

How I use the ShakeNet app / rs:local today: Use Case - “As-Is"

Every day begins by logging into the CSEM/EM “LastQuake” app and searching the SIGNIFICANT tab for large (4+) North American quakes which may appear above the hum of suburban noise and passing transcontinental freight trains. Then I tab across to the NEAR ME tab to seek out regional earthquakes M3+ at a maximum of 1000 km from my location.

Next I open the ShakeNet app at the EVENTS tab, set to SORT by date, FILTER-ed by M2+, all depths, 0-1 day ago, at a maximum of 5000 km from my location. Then I seek out events of significance within mental range rings (see below)

  • Any M2+ event within a 250 km radius
  • Any M3+event within 500 km radius
  • Any M4+ events within that 5000 km radius

Whenever I find events, I go to my network of local stations usually within 500 km of my RS3D. My network radiates out towards known seismically hyperactive sources of potential events. Then I visually validate if classic P & S signatures are visible above background on their RS’s, and judge how well the predicted arrival time algorithm worked. If one of my network successfully sees the “signal over the noise”, I then manually connect to my RS3D using RS:local, and manually download the helicorder traces for the that interval one by one, and visually inspect the traces, starting with vertical signal. If I think I can see Z signal over my suburban noise, then I inspect the N & E traces for confirmation. I then save these helicorder images as files in my private "Seismic Events Detected” folder for later reference.

Lastly, in the absence of real events, I look at the vertical signal, and look for noise patterns and see if I can postulate a man-made source, e.g., garbage truck, street sweeping, roadworks, train, boat, thunderstorm, etc.

How I hope to use the ShakeNet app / rs:local in future versions : Use Case - “To-Be”

I would like to be able to program my “seism-ecosystem” haloes into ShakeNet, as in, “Show me all events":

  1. All M2+ events within a “250" km radius, then show me…
  2. All M3+ events with a “500 km” radius, then show me…
  3. All M4+ events within a “1000" km radius, and then show me…
  4. All M5+ events globally

Also when I use RS:local, I would like to be able to select helicorder downloads from the last XX hours for all traces loaded into separate browser windows, to remove the back & forth manually pulling helicorder records in twelve hour tranches.

I’m pragmatic enough with sufficient 1970’s programming experience to know that these features require time, talent & treasure to deliver, but use-cases will always assist business analysts develop value-added functionality. Thanks!

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@MRT1953 this was WONDERFUL to read. Thank you for such important insights into your user flow.

@stormchaser can you open a ticket for us to discuss this suggestion internally?

The Shake’s embeded helicorder functionality is quite basic and static. Have you tried out the much more dynamic functionality of either the helicorder view in the ShakeNet mobile app or We do not have any plans to improve the embedded helicorder functionality, but dataview is evolving daily.

Well said! I especially like the use of “treasure”.

Thank you for being a part of our Community and contributing in this way.

enjoy Shaking, Branden

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Re: Helicorder Functionality - yes, it is perfectly basic, AND perfectly stable for my amateur use. Neither ShakeNet nor Dataview have proven reliable for me in my usage case. I cannot get enough cost-effective cellular bandwidth to my RS, so I’ve taken to running it in Standby mode. Thus when I need to scrutiny my “curves”, I can just connect by WiFi to my cellular modem using my iPad from an adjoining room, ping my rs:local in standby mode, and manually download perfect graphics for visual inspection.

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No problem at all @branden!

And I’ll join you in extending my thanks for all the time and dedication that MRT1953 has spent to provide such a great trove of feedback on our systems, and the interaction between them.

Thank you!