Shake OS v0.20 image update for recent 4B model builds

The Shake OS v0.20 image has been updated!

The most recent image, available to download from our GitLab repository: raspberryShake-public / Raspshake Sd Img · GitLab , covers important support for the latest Pi boards.

Includes support for 4 Model B, including the most recent Pi Foundation builds

The instructions on how to install it on your Shake microSD card are in this file in the same repository: raspishake-microSD-card-software-Instructions.txt · main · raspberryShake-public / Raspshake Sd Img · GitLab

For completion, a list of the fixes that the general v0.20 has already addressed:

Bug Fixes

  1. FE config screen (rs.local/) could sometimes be blank on 1st-time system startup.Now there are measures to prevent this.
  2. Data Forwarding option would get turned OFF when rebooting the unit using the FE config ACTIONS button. This issue has been resolved.

This release also contains some under-the-hood improvements and general maintenance modifications.

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