Server Connection: Not Connected RS3D

I have the RS3D and I have a problem to connect it the Shake server.

The device is not able to connect to your server.

In attach logs
RSH.RD4BF.2023-11-14T10_51_17.logs.tar (1.9 MB)

emphasized text

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Hello diegobianchi, and welcome to our community!

Thank you for sending the logs and the screenshot of your Shake rs.local/. From them, it appears that some steps in the configuration of the Shake are missing. In particular:

Station Info

Data-Sharing Mode : OFF
Data Server Conn : OFF

Could you please reboot your Shake again and then try the following procedure to see if it solves the connectivity issue?

Please access your rs.local/ page, go to Settings (the gear icon high on the left), and then the Data tab. Make sure that the Forward Data box is checked, and then click Save and Restart.

The station should now be able to connect again.

From the logs, it seems that the Forward Data box is not checked, so this should solve the problem you are experiencing and make the Shake appear again on StationView and on ShakeNet. If not, please wait for around 10-15 minutes, download and re-send the new logs to see if there have been any changes that could point us towards a solution.

Thank you.