Second hand 1d available?

Hello to all.
I’m in south France and I see not many stations around me from this network. So I was wondering if one more would be fun … interesting. I already participate in other community driven projects and I found yours. Not to far from the Pyrenees we got a few shakes recently in the region though hardly anyone felt them. Still … I started to read the project and ended in the store and there ouchhhh …

So I was wondering, if someone around this region (Europe at best) started long ago and moved to a more sophisticated version and still has the a 1D lying around (even without the PI but with the case, got a few of these taking dust.) doing nothing. Might be the moment to sell it and get it a second life … would allow me to learn, test before eventually cash out a large amount of money.

If someone is interested to sell one for a gentle price, guess the PM is the way to go. :slightly_smiling_face: