RS3D data not appearing

RS00A3 config page says it’s connected to server, and the helicorder data are complete and up to the last minute of so. But the data do not show up on Shakenet app or Data View site.

This just in! ;). I cannot connect to my RS config using cellular on my phone. Somehow the RS is connected to my network, but not the internet. RS connects to a mesh extender in the garage, and the Calix router sees it is on the network.

Thanks in advance!

Well, it’s working now. Some combo of reconnecting the mesh extender to the Calix router (even though my network was already showing the RS), and restarting the RS, worked. Rebooting the Calix router seems to knock RS off the Internet. Is it normal to have to reconnect the mesh extender to the router when it is rebooted?

It is a possibility, yes. As there are many routers + mesh extender combinations, some could need to be reconnected when the router is rebooted or even restarted.

Maybe there is some configuration setting in your mesh extender setup page that would allow for automatic reconnection to the original network.