RD3AF not connected to the system

Dear Stormchaser,

We have a RS1D (RD3AF) in an Institute. On julday 155 it had some network issues, and multiple data gaps occurred during this day. These issues were resolved and RS was rebooted, now it is recording data and has network connection. Every night it copies data to an external owncloud disk, but it seems to have been locked in the system. Could you check this? Would it be possible to unlock it?

Best regards

Hello Mario, and welcome back to the community!

Great to hear that you managed to solve the issues with your Shake. The IP address associated with that station has now been unlocked. Have a great weekend!

Thank you very much for your fast answer! we can not see it in the stationview and there is no data in dataview.

We think its IP is still banned in the system.

Would it be possible to check this point, please?
Have a nice weekend.


Hello mario,

I will forward your request to our server administrator so that we will be able to check again. No problem at all.

Meanwhile, if you have the chance, could you send me the logs from that Shake so we can cover all bases from either side? Thank you!

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I will try to get them, I have no direct acces, it is located in a Institute. Let`s try

It seems to work now!

I asked to the teacher to download the log files, if a get them I’ll upload the tar file.
Thankyou very much!


No problem Mario! As the Shake is now transmitting data without issues, there is no hurry in getting the logs.

Happy to help!

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Dear Stormchaser,

A few days ago the station RD3AF was blocked again, at least it doesn’t connects to the server. This time I obtained the log files before writing, please find them atacched.

RSH.RD3AF.2023-06-29T10_47_48.logs.tar (3.6 MB)

Let’s see if we find the problem… This stations was working fine in that secondary school since few days ago…

Best regards

Hello Mario,

After checking, we have unblocked RD3AF in our server. It appears that new network issues that were causing network destabilization appeared aorund 10 days ago, and the station was precautionarily banned.

From the logs (thanks for sending them), nothing is out of place with the Shake, which boots and operates nominally when the server connection is available. If you still don’t see the Shake online, please reboot it (alongside with the local router, if needed) and it will show on our services.

I would also recommend to please check in with the owner/where the station is located, and see what can be causing the network problem on your side. Until these problems are located and fixed, complete connection is not guaranteed, as you have seen during these years.

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Thank you very much for your fast answer. The station is in a high school, I don’t see it online yet, so I asked the teacher to reboot the RS manually, but till next monday they will not be able to do it…

Now they are preparing to close for summer hollydays, so it will be difficult to figure out what happens with their network, it should work better now that there aren’t students using it…

If next monday it dosesn’t reconnects I will ask them to dismantle it, and we will see after Hollydays.

Thank you very much for your support, have a nice weekend!


You’re always welcome Mario; it was no problem at all!

Have a great weekend too!

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We could manage to reboot the RS and now it is again online!

Let’s see if the network works better now that thera are not studesnt in the institute.
Thankyou very much for your support.


Happy to hear that Mario!

And yes, let’s see how the network keeps up.