Raspberryshake is Connected - No online postings

My RaspberryShake, AM.R22B6, reports the following status:

Data Producer|:|ON|
Data Consumer|:|ON|
Off-line Mode|:|OFF|
Data Forwarding|:|ON|
Server Connection|:|Connected|

However, the station does not appear as online on ShakeNet. I am able to view the helicorder charts on the RaspberryShake directly. Any ideas?

The station data is now being published. Not sure what changed :slight_smile:

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Hello pallenielsen, welcome to our community!

Yes, your Shake is now active and visible on our services, here, for example: RS StationView

It may take up to 24h after the first connection for a new instrument to appear on our pages, that is likely why you were able to see the charts locally at the time, but not online.

Enjoy Shaking!