R363F not on community server

Due to an upgrade from RPI3 -> RPI4 my old RS became “the newest station in the US” yesterday for a brief while :wink:

And while it seems to be working well, it does not show on the community server and thus not on EQinfo.

RSH.R363F.2020-09-25T12_56_51.logs.tar (687.5 KB)

Log file attached in case it helps.


Hello Ken,

it seems, from your logs, that your Shake had a problem in finding NTP servers at the start but that seemed to have resolved itself.

I can see your station uploading data on StationView and the ShakeNet app, so it seems fine from here: https://raspberryshake.net/stationview/#?net=AM&sta=R363F


If you still don’t see your stream, try Crtl+F5 in your browser and uninstall/reinstall the app. Sometimes it can take time for proper server propagation of a new station.

Thanks for the reply. I am actually talking about swarm. I did a refresh of the data sources and then restarted swarn altogether but it is not finding my new station on the community server.

Have a look for yourself …


No problem, I have just checked on my SWARM client and I can see your station in the Raspberry Shake servers list. This is my configuration:

I am not using the Winston Wave Server for the general network (since I am using it for direct connection to my local Shake). I added another Data Source from the Data Chooser window, selecting the FDSN WS tab and copying the following the first two fields respectively:


With this, I can see your station in the network:


excellent. that fixed swarm.
what do I do to fix EQInfo?

Good to know!

Unfortunately, we don’t manage the GEMPA EQInfo app, so all you can do is wait for the station data to properly propagate through their servers. Usually, this happens in 24 to 48h.