Off line or not connected

No worries at all. You can rest assured that no station is dropped from our systems (well, unless the user physically disconnects them).

You had a great view of a local M2.1 yesterday UTC evening that happened close to your location:

I hope I’ll be able to bring you another positive update soon!

Just touching base, all still the same here. Letting you know I am happy to wait just want to let you know I’m still here. Able to see my data thru other means on your system, but I loved the simplicity of logging on and it was right there.
I know you are busy sorting it out, good luck and keep up the good work.
A side note on another EQ recording site here in NZ they report the number of shakes in a 24 hour running window, today a total for the last 24hours = 69! albeit some unnoticable, no wonder we are called the shakey Isles lol. Go well and good luck.


Hello GarryMac! I hope things in New Zealand (with the usual earthquakes, as you wrote) are going well too!

Yes, the team is still fully focused on legacy data restoration, and as you have noticed, it is taking a bit more resources than expected (we have terabytes of data being restored as I write).

There will probably be an announcement about legacy data this week, so we’ll see where we stand afterward. Thank you again for your support!

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