Off line or not connected

No worries at all. You can rest assured that no station is dropped from our systems (well, unless the user physically disconnects them).

You had a great view of a local M2.1 yesterday UTC evening that happened close to your location:

I hope I’ll be able to bring you another positive update soon!

Just touching base, all still the same here. Letting you know I am happy to wait just want to let you know I’m still here. Able to see my data thru other means on your system, but I loved the simplicity of logging on and it was right there.
I know you are busy sorting it out, good luck and keep up the good work.
A side note on another EQ recording site here in NZ they report the number of shakes in a 24 hour running window, today a total for the last 24hours = 69! albeit some unnoticable, no wonder we are called the shakey Isles lol. Go well and good luck.