Ntp is not syncronize with gpsd


Aftertrying to work ofline with the GPS antenna (ublox-8), the ntp.service is not working (failed) and I cannot acces to the ntpq -p when I wnat to see the if SHM() is getting information (ntpq: read: Connection refused). All the other service are working properly and active (gpsd.socket, gpsd.service and ntp.service).

I am just doing some testing to install the RS outside in stand alone mode (I already put it in that mode, rsh-stand-alone: STAND-ALONE Mode is ON).We bought the RS in 2017 aprox, but I burn a new SD card with the last firmware in a 32 GB card.

The name of the antena is “ttyACM0”.when I use gpsmon it shows all the information in real time of the GPS, but when I use cat /dev/ttyACM0 show me an error (cat: /dev/ttyACM0: Device or resource busy).

The gpsd-mgr log file repeat mainly this error: “Required output from command ‘cat /dev/ttyUSB[0-9]’ not found, please investigate.”

Thank you in advance,

RSH.R8BA5.2024-11-13T12_43_01.logs.tar (182 KB)

Screenshot with the status


Hello Richi, and welcome to our community!

Thank you for all the details, logs, and screenshots you sent. They have been of great help.

I’ve sent you a message regarding this.

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Hi Stormchaser.

I´m having exactly the same issue described by RichiCarrillo.

Could you please help me to solve it?

Thanks in advance.


Hello Malvarezdel, and welcome to our community!

No trouble at all; I’ve sent you a message regarding this, too.