Stand-Alone Mode : OFF
Ethernet UP : YES
DNS Available : YES
Network Accessible : YES
Nameservers :, 2001:8b0::2020, 2001:8b0::2021
=== Shake Data Server ===
Port 55555 : YES
Port 55556 : YES
Thank you for providing the logs and all the additional info!
Yes, as far as I can see the Shake boots properly, manages to get time from the GPS module connected to it, and then initializes all its processes correctly.
It also doesn’t find any issues with the ports but I’m seeing that both Ethernet and WiFi are up and running (even if, at boot, WiFi appears to be OFF). Do you require both of them at the same time, or could you turn the WiFi off, reboot the Shake, and see if now it manages to connect?
the first problem you were having resulted from a server-side issue, which has been resolved, however…
the most recent reason is because the unit is unable to successfully resolve the server name. this is evident in the log file odf_SL_plugin.err file’s latest entry:
2024 260 17:50:41>> create_socket(): Error in getaddrinfo: Name or service not known
2024 260 17:50:41>> Likely cause is no DNS server found.
even though your DNS server list did not change (this information is contained in the log file myshake.out).
sometimes what can happen at boot-up is that the DNS server is not yet available when / if the router in-between is in the process of also booting. (and i have no idea if this was the case in your particular situation or not…)
since i gather you are comfortable working on the command line, instead of rebooting the unit, try restarting the data-producer service instead:
log in to the shake
run the following command: sudo systemctl restart rsh-data-producer
and see if this results in a better outcome.
you can also verify the DNS server is properly being accessed by trying to ping the data server:
hope this helps, please send along the log files again when connection is still not successful.