No Data Available for Request on New Station

A new station started yesterday not far from me (R5968) so I’m keen to compare how it performs compared to my shake (R21C0), however, so far whenever I try to access data via the FDSN server I get this error from the request for the instrument response:

I’m aware of the 1 hour or so delay before data is normally available on the FDSN server. Is it slower for a new station or is there a problem?



Hello sheeny,

I tried to download some data from this new Shake this UTC morning, and I wasn’t able to replicate this error, always getting my requests fulfilled.

Have you tried again to see if it now works? Could you give me the start and end times of your failed request so that I can try those too?

Thank you.

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I’ve tried a few times from when it came on line up to 30/4/24 2:39:00UTC just a while ago. Always the same result.

I have tried different python programs of mine as well… same.

Hmmm, smells like something silly…?



Thank you for the time sheeny. I’ve tried it with a basic test code:

from obspy.clients.fdsn import Client
from obspy import UTCDateTime
start_1 = "2024-04-30 02:39:00"
starttime = UTCDateTime(start_1)
endtime = starttime + 600       
client = Client('')
waveform = client.get_waveforms('AM', 'R5968', '00', 'EHZ', starttime, endtime)

and I get a positive response:

1 Trace(s) in Stream:
AM.R5968.00.EHZ | 2024-04-30T02:38:59.999000Z - 2024-04-30T02:48:59.999000Z | 100.0 Hz, 60001 samples

If you don’t see the same, can you try to download the data you need via Raspberry Shake FDSNWS - DataSelect which appears to be working fine?

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I’m not getting to the trace… it’s failing on the request for instrument response data.

# set the station name and download the response information
stn = 'R5968'      # station name
nw = 'AM'          # network name
inv = rs.get_stations(network=nw, station=stn, level='RESP')  # get the instrument response


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Yep, your test code works fine for me…

… but the problem I have with with instrument response.



Yes, I can see it now.

I’ve asked the team to check on this, as other Shakes are also affected by this (apparently, as the data is on the servers) missing instrument response file. I’ll let you know when everything is fixed.

Thank you as usual.

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Thanks again mate!



Following… (I’m the owner of the station mentioned by Alan, who lives about 6km away from my place). Subject to the success of some community science project funding applications, the aim is to create a citizen science network of RS&B stations in our (rural) local government area for the obvious seismic purposes, but also for meteor detection and monitoring of wind turbine infrasound, given that some major wind farm developments are planned in the region in the near future. We don’t expect to actually detect any infrasound impact, but nice to have before-and-after data!

Impressed by the quality of the RS&Boom kit, assembly was easy once I realised that there are two slightly different lengths of short stand-offs…


Welcome to ShakeNet Tim!


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Hello timchurches, and a warm welcome to our community!

Your project sounds amazing, and we are definitely looking forward to its monitoring results! Increasing station density in that area of Australia will surely provide interesting information and data.

Feel free to post about the progress of your project here on the forum.

Thank you also for your feedback on our RSBOOM model!

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Thanks. Any progress on the missing instrument response file on the server? I’m keen to see my stations included in Sheeny’s very nice analyses, since it is so close to his station (about 6km).


Hello timchurches,

I think the team was closing in on a solution (it took a bit to identify what was causing this) so I should have news for you and sheeny soon!

I’ll ask for another update in any case and I’ll let you know as soon as possible. Thank you both for your patience.

EDIT: I forgot to add that If you (or sheeny) require(s) a metadata response file urgently, then it is possible to use/adapt one of our templates, which can be found here: Metadata - Instrument Response Files

Instructions on how to edit the file you’ll download are included so that you can use it for your Shake. However, if any guidance is needed, just let us know.

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OK, many thanks. I won’t be at the property where the station is located until the weeknd (three days away), so I’ll wait until then before before doing anything further. It is certainly working well, I was just looking at the infrasound trace for an M2.6 event which sheeny detected about 50km away.


Hello sheeny, timchurches,

Just to let you know that the inventory problem has been fixed, and you should now be able to download all the response files you need.

We appreciate your patience while we worked on this.

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G’Day Stormchaser,

Thanks to the team for this.



Always a pleasure sheeny.