Nineteen minutes off

I installed my shiny new shakeboom unit yesterday, and I’m working out the details and bugs (in me, not the unit so much), but it seems that my unit reports a time that is nineteen minutes behind reality, even though the NTP service seems to connect OK (after I did away with a port-forward of port 123 to another device), and after I changed ntp.conf to include four different servers than those supplied.

So that’s a time problem that probably also accounts for my device not connecting to a server (Server Connection : Not Connected)? Just guessing…

Also, the name on my device ( AM.RE001.00.[EHZ][HDF]) seems already to be in use, or is it that when my timing issue is resolved, then my device will connect to a server that will issue my device a new name …? In the meantime, I’m just trying to get it all going, and I’m attaching a log file, as suggested.


OK, I figured out the timing problem (had to be a delay in router updating or some arcane thing, but after I deleted the forwarding of port 123 to another device and let NTP run free in my network, NTP did connect using the supplied settings in ntp.conf and everything seems to be fine),

but my device still has a name already in use, I think? (I see from the map I can now view that my device is thereupon identified by SE001 instead of the RE001 displayed in the pi/Shake page at the devices IP address!) I’ll bet that’s editable somewhere…

Mike out

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hi mike,

i see that you are connected to the server and that your station is ONLINE, and the timing looks to be okay now: Station View: Raspberry Shake Network & EQ Activity Map

server-side, your instrument has the station name SE001. you can read about the Shake station naming scheme here to understand why yours changed to S.

and i don’t think the log files ended up attached to your post, if you still have questions, please try attaching them again.

thanks, and have fun with your new Shake!


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