My RS4D has stopped connection to NTP/ and internet

My RS4D just dropped off the network again. I was trying to establish a static IP address, and something went wrong. Now the Log Files indicated I don’t have NTP because the RS can’t access the internet. I can get a (delayed) helicorder display but nothing else (via Swarm).
The lesson learned here is, if it is not broken, don’t fix it. Leave it alone.
Here are my Data Logs.
RSH.R29F6.2024-05-27T21_40_18.logs.tar (3.0 MB)

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Hello Gary, welcome back to the community and thank you for the logs!

Indeed, the Shake boots up without issues, as you have seen, but it cannot seem to find a proper network connection:

2024 148 21:24:07: Network detection failed, unable to curl or ping common sites
2024 148 21:24:07: No internet connection found
2024 148 21:24:07: Network detection failed, unable to curl or ping common sites

Could I please ask you to SSH into the Shake (instructions on how to do so can be found here: How to access your Raspberry Shake’s computer via ssh) and execute the following two commands?

  1. cat /etc/dhcpcd.conf
  2. cat /etc/resolv.conf

Then copy/paste their output here? Thank you!

But I have switched it over to wireless operation and it is working fine.
Didn’t have to do any SH -ing.


Happy to hear that Gary!

If you need anything else, you know where to find us.