I just got my Shake and Boom DIY kit yesterday, so please be patient while I figure out the forum. I got it running on a Pi 3, and put it in a plastic container overnight on my patio. I saw this ![nov%2020%20earthquake|567x112] quake, (upload://z2oOgwuyFXI8gcFaRI6JqIoTn4v.jpeg) which I confirmed was a mag 3.1 quake about 40 miles away NSF SAGE: Ml3.41 Southern California So I’m pretty excited about this technology.
I have some questions:
How do I measure magnitude? I only see counts.
I have an old Pi 2+ hanging around. If I ran on this processor, would it run just as well as my current Pi 3?
When I am running Swarm, I seem to lose the window easily if I swipe upward with my mouse… I can’t figure out how to get the window back, and have to reload it.
And finally, is there some tool i can use to analyze a waveform automatically for earthquake analysis.
thanks to all who helped make this happen… it looks like a great tool.