Hi I am trying to convert SAC file to sound. I am downloaded files from here http://www.seismosoc.org/Publications/srl/SRL_83/srl_83-2_kilb_et_al-esupp/index.html
And installed Mathlab software. If I convert original file from upper link everything working well, If I try to convert MY own sac file from EQ things not working.
Is someone try that. There must be something wrong with my sac file. I can produce sac file from Jamaseis or from WINSDR file, but something must be missing. Any help will be appreciated.
I can’t run main_tremor in Matlab because you need the Signal Processing Toolbox, which I don’t have.
However, using sac.m in the package, I can access .sac files written by SWARM, also those written by our local EQ data repository GeoNet.
So I guess this means your .sac files are not written correctly for some reason.
Looking at the code for sac.m, it’s pretty rudimentary, so you may be able to hack it to read your .sac files.
Hi all:
Great to hear from you both.
Here is a MATLAB seismic toolbox you might be interest in:
Yours, Branden
Yes, Branden, I use GISMO a lot.
One of its most useful routines is ReadMSEEDFast.m which as its name suggests reads mseed files into Matlab very quickly.
Indeed for a typical day file from RS 1D:
ReadMSEEDFast: D:\RPi\RaspberryShake\SEED\R00B9\AM.R00B9.00.SHZ.D.2019.293
Elapsed time is 0.930904 seconds.
Can we separate past earthquake events using GISMO detecting through S and P waves?
OK thanks to all. I am almost solved the problem…
How did you solve your problem?