Import shake stream to earthworm

Is it possible to import the stream from a Raspberry shake to Earthworm?

Sure. You can use slink2ew




It’s a long time since I used earthworm and I seem to have forgotten so much!

Oh, then jump at the opportunity to learn something modern - like SeisComP3 :slight_smile:


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What is the port to access the Seedlink stream and what are the selectors and stream identifiers?


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SeedLink Port: 18000
Selectors/ stream identifiers: EH?.D (I am guessing here since your terminology is not common knowledge …)


Hi Branden,

The slink2ew documentation mentions selectors for unistation and multistation mode. Does the Raspberry Shake use unistation mode, even the 3D and 4D? Are there individual streams for each axis?



Example configuration for slink2ew.d:

Stream AM_R1234 "EH?.D EN?.D"

Yes, there are individual streams for each axis. To learn more, please see: Raspberry Shake Naming Convention

Yours, branden

When you have a working slink2ew.d, please post it here for future reference by other users. Thanks!


Example slink2ew.d for Raspberry Shake.

#                     Configuration File for slink2ew
RingName         SCNL_RASPISHAKE       # Transport ring to write data to.
HeartBeatInterval     30         # Heartbeat interval, in seconds.
LogFile               2          # 1 -> Keep log, 0 -> no log file
                                 # 2 -> write to module log but not stderr/stdout
Verbosity      0		 # Set level of verbosity.

SLhost #Your Raspberry Shake local IP here
SLport         18000             # Port number of the Raspberry Shake SeedLink server

StateFile     #[filename]        # If this flag is specified (uncommented) a
                                 # file with a list of sequence numbers is
                                 # written, during a clean module shutdown,
                                 # to the parameter directory with the name
                                 # "slink<mod id>.state".  Alternatively, a
                                 # filename may be specified.  During module
                                 # startup these sequence numbers are used to
                                 # resume data streams from the last received
                                 # data.  Using this functionality is highly
                                 # recommended.

#StateFileInt   100              # This controls the interval (in packets
                                 # received) at which the state is saved in
                                 # the state file.  Default is 100 packets,
                                 # 0 to disable.

#NetworkTimeout 600              # Network timeout, after this many idle
                                 # seconds the connection will be reset.
                                 # Default is 600 seconds, 0 to disable.

#NetworkDelay   30               # Network re-connect delay in seconds.

#KeepAlive      0                # Send keepalive packets (when idle) at this
                                 # interval in seconds.  Default is 0 (disabled).

#ForceTraceBuf1 0                # On systems that support TRACEBUF2
                                 # messages this flag will force the module
                                 # to create TRACEBUF messages instead.
                                 # Most people will never need this.

#instId <LocalID>                # Override installation ID that is included
                                 # in TRACEBUF packets.  By default this ID is
                                 # determined from the local installation defined
                                 # by the EW_INSTALLATION environment variable.

#SLRecSize       512             # Size (in bytes) of the SEED records expected
                                 # from the server.  Traditionally SeedLink only
                                 # uses 512-byte SEED records.  This option is for
                                 # use with specialized servers that use alternate
                                 # records lengths such as 256 or 128.  One such
                                 # specialized server is the RockToSLink module.

# Selectors and Stream's.  If any Stream lines are specified the connection
# to the SeedLink server will be configured in multi-station mode using
# Selectors, if any, as defaults.  If no Stream lines are specified the
# connection will be configured in uni-station mode using Selectors, if any.

#Selectors      "BH?.D"          # SeedLink selectors.  These selectors are used
                                 # for a uni-station mode connection.  If one
                                 # or more 'Stream' entries are given these are
                                 # used as default selectors for multi-station
                                 # mode data streams.  See description of
                                 # SeedLink selectors below.  Multiple selectors
                                 # must be enclosed in quotes.

# List each data stream (a network and station code pair) that you
# wish to request from the server with a "Stream" command.  If one or
# more Stream commands are given the connection will be configured in
# multi-station mode (multiple station data streams over a single
# network connection).  If no Stream commands are specified the
# connection will be configured in uni-station mode, optionally using
# any specified "Selectors".  A Stream command should be followed by a
# stream key, a network code followed by a station code separated by
# an underscore (i.e. IU_KONO).  SeedLink selectors for a specific
# stream may optionally be specified after the stream key.  Multiple
# selectors must be enclosed in quotes.  Any selectors specified with
# the Selectors command above are used as defaults when no selectors
# are specified for a given stream.

Stream AM_R1234 "EH?.D EN?.D SH?.D HDF.D" #Change R1234 to your Raspberry Shake Station Name

#(notes regarding "selectors" from a SeedLink configuration file)
#   The "selectors" parameter tells to request packets that match given
#   selectors. This helps to reduce network traffic. A packet is sent to
#   client if it matches any positive selector (without leading "!") and
#   doesn't match any negative selectors (with "!"). General format of
#   selectors is LLSSS.T, where LL is location, SSS is channel, and T is
#   type (one of DECOTL for data, event, calibration, blockette, timing,
#   and log records). "LL", ".T", and "LLSSS." can be omitted, meaning
#   "any". It is also possible to use "?" in place of L and S.
#   Some examples:
#   BH?            - BHZ, BHN, BHE (all record types)
#   00BH?          - BHZ, BHN, BHE with location code '00' (all record types)
#   BH?.D          - BHZ, BHN, BHE (data records)
#   BH? !E         - BHZ, BHN, BHE (excluding detection records)
#   BH? E          - BHZ, BHN, BHE plus detection records of all channels
#   !LCQ !LEP      - exclude LCQ and LEP channels
#   !L !T          - exclude log and timing records
# For slink2ew no record types except data records will be written to
# the ring.  In other words, requesting any records in addition to
# data records is a waste.

Let me know if this works fine and I will add it to



Hi Branden,

This did the trick.

Thank you!


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