How to deal with moisture on a seismic vault?

Hi Shake Community!
I would like to get some insight into the best alternative to deal with moisture. I’ve been using my raspberry shake to monitor water flow on an earth dam next to a river, so it’s a pretty wet place. From what I’ve seen on the construction manual from USGS and on construction logs from the Shake Community, the vaults are constructed buried on the ground, but in my case, my vault will have to be built above the ground. In both cases, one of the main worries is how to deal with moisture, I read that the most common option is the canned spray foam for insulation, but I’d like to know if there are any other efficient ways to deal with it.

Hello Rafa, welcome to the community!

What an engaging question. Thank you for proposing it!

I think you can find the experience of our Shaker Steve Caron very useful:

He built his vault underground, but I am sure you can use the same methods for your above-ground installation. In the end, it is all based on foam and a good container, but the steps he undertook are very well detailed, and maybe you can get an idea from that.

If anyone else in the community has some experience and wants to share, please feel free!