How to convert gal Data?


Data was received using UDP.

Ex) {‘SHZ’, 1507760140.530, 614, 916, 1095, 1156, 839, 923, 861, 856, 861, 789, 568, 823, 965, 788, 835, 991, 1028, 1225, 1142, 828, 682, 635, 771, 978, 834, 1167, 1116, 888, 627, 564, 944, 994, 780, 652, 811, 915, 832, 1134, 1020, 594, 756, 782, 748, 810, 864, 936, 977, 1014, 676, 502}

614, 916…502 => 614 / Math.Pow(2, 24) => g?
Is the gravity acceleration value correct?

I want to convert it to a Gal value.

How do you convert it into a formula?

Hi, welcome. I’m not sure I follow your math, but these values are unitless (counts) and must be deconvolved from the instrument response prior to converting to g or Gal. The SHZ channel can be converted directly to acceleration in m/s2 by adapting the code in the following post:

From there, you can multiply the data array ( by 10 to get Gal or divide by 9.8 m/s2 to get g.