Help with Raspberry Shake unknown device


We had someone that previously worked here that setup this device, and he didnt pass on the information on it. This is all brand new to me

We are having some noise/vibration issues on site, and need to see the data on this. . All I have is pictures to go by right now. This unit is in a remote location that is a long drive away, so I need to know what I need to bring with me, on a trip to get the data off this device. I may not be able to get it on the internet or not. We have a controls network, but I have to jump through alot of hoops with IT to get it approved to even connect. I am assume its recording data in an offline mode? Before I make a trip up there, what would I need to ensure I can get data off this device? Its not connected to ethernet, it also has some kind of black antenna hanging up?

here are a few pictures.

I assume by the looks of it , it may be this model? : RS3D | Vertical & Lateral Motion Seismograph

Hello alexM, and welcome to our community!

No trouble at all, we can assist with that.
The Shake you will be working on is an RS4D (RS4D | Strong Motion Seismograph), as you can see from these two labels:

To answer your questions, if the Shake is still turned on, then yes, it will still be recording data up to the set limit (that I imagine the previous person who worked on it adjusted to their needs) in the Shake configuration page (an example below):

When this limit (in days) is reached, the older data is overwritten by the most recent data. When you get there, I have listed what is required to connect to the Shake in your other topic here: USB SD card device - #2 by Stormchaser

The black antenna connected to it would be a GPS module, which would keep the time up-to-date with the worldwide atomic clocks and ensure that all data the Shake has recorded is synchronized.

To connect to the Shake you will simply need a laptop with a working Ethernet (LAN) port, where you can connect the white cable that you can see in the box (coming out the Ethernet-labelled) connector, and then follow what is written in the link above.

For anything else, I remain available.