Hello! This is my first post here (been lurking for some time). I hope this support forum is an OK place to ask which model would be best for me. I am probably overthinking it, and I’ve read as many similar question threads as I could find. And I am running circles between several models! I’ve had an interest in Earth sciences and science in general nearly all my life. For the past several years I’ve been thinking about trying to build my own seismometer. Then I stumbled on Raspberry Shake.
I live in western Kentucky (US). I would not say it is seismically active but we do reside about 90 miles east of the New Madrid Fault. We probably have several 2+ magnitude quakes per year (a guess), but in the 25 years I’ve resided here I’ve never felt one. Just read about them online or in the local news. But I think it would be fascinating to detect these local events as well as strong quakes from around the globe. I did manage to detect the pressure wave from the Hunga Tonga blast on my Tempest weather station, which was pretty neat.
We live in a log home with both a garage with concrete slab floor, as well as a cellar dug into the hillside. I plan on trying both locations for a RS. Our neighborhood is rural, but a narrow asphalt road runs about 75 feet from the garage and cellar. Light vehicular traffic depending on the season. I would have to run the Ethernet cable from a Google Nest router node. I assume this would work for the Internet as both locations cannot be easily served by an Ethernet cable from our cellular modem.
I like tinkering with electronics (I build a lot of solder kits, mainly Nixie tube clocks; I understand the DIY RS kits require no soldering), so the DIY kits would be my route. Plus I have a Raspberry Pi 4B board laying around that I never used. I am not very familiar with the Raspberry system, but willing to learn. I originally purchased it for use in a meteor camera that I never finished. But I digress.
I can’t decide on which kit to purchase. It’ll be strictly a hobby “toy”, much like my weather station. However I do like being a part of that network, and my neighbors enjoy the weather data. I checked the Shake app, and there are only perhaps a half dozen RS online within 200 miles of me, so I’d like to add my own. I’ve watched all the product videos, but can’t decide which model would best serve my hobby needs considering my geographic locale. I was leaning towards the 3D but it’s a little beyond my comfort zone from a cost perspective. But there is the XMAS sale. The Shake and Boom also seems like a possibility. Then I’m back at the RS1D; repeat circle.
So, in closing, it’s tectonically pretty quiet with only a few small quakes now and again. But I would love to be able to detect these and larger quakes around the world. It’s pretty quiet here as far as vehicular traffic, especially off-season. Some helicopters from an air base 40 miles away; an Interstate several miles away we can sometimes hear trucks on or an occasional tire blowout.
I would greatly appreciate any insight you all may be able to give me!
Thank you, Chris