Hey everyone! Im getting a used RS1D soon, should be here in a few days. Im wondering if theres anything I need to prepare for - as from my understanding, it probably has an account linked? Any help is appreciated!
Hello seismo, and welcome to the community!
First, it’s great to have a (soon-to-be) new Shaker with us!
As the Shake is used, you may not receive it, so I’ll attach the link to our useful Quick Start Guide: https://raspberryshake.org/wp-content/uploads/QuickStartGuide.pdf. This will tell you all you need to know about setting up and connecting your Raspberry Shake to the network.
More resources can also be found on our general help page: Need Help with your Raspberry Shake Earthquake Monitor?
And, if you have any more questions, we remain available as usual.
Again, welcome to the Raspberry Shake family!
Hey, thanks a lot! Its arriving today, probably in the next few hours, and I can’t wait to get started. I appreciate the help!
And I may just reflash the SD card to give the shake a fresh start as it has been used already if there are any errors - if that makes sense
Hey, just got the shake. Its slightly outdated, and I am unable to connect to the server. Otherwise, i’ve tested in swarm and it works fine.
Hello seismo,
Great that you received it and that it is working fine!
Yes, the OS version is the previous one, so you can either:
- wait for it to update automatically; or
- update it manually to v0.20 following this guide: microSD card topics
Once done, if the Shake still doesn’t connect to the server, please download its logs (using the orange button on the same page of your screenshot, at the bottom) and send them to me.
Thank you!
How long should it take to update automatically?
Strangely enough - i was about to reburn when I had a second thought and decided to turn it back on after taking microsd out, and it is actually working fine now! it started much faster than usual, is working fine, no issues, so I will just wait for automatic updates now.
Great news!
Regarding the update, it should usually happen in 24-48 hours, and it’s fully automated, so you’ll just have to wait a bit. When done, you will see System Version:0.20
on the main screen.
Happy to have you on board with all of us!
Ah yep, updated. Thanks!
You’re welcome; no trouble at all!
Any idea what this noise around 18hz could be? (the change in noise around 2/3 of the way in is from my ac turning off)
It’s difficult to say, as that line could be caused by a multitude of factors. It could be something weaker and closer to the Shake or something stronger and farther away from it.
When I turn my PC on, my fans are around that frequency (a bit lower, ~12Hz). Maybe it could be something like this?
In any case, it should be a fun hide-and-seek adventure!
I’ve been able to greatly improve it - and i had a question ; would placing a thin layer of foam under the unit block / impair the geophones ability to detect earthquakes? I tried this briefly and it worked extremely well at removing noise… im not sure if it would reduce the geophones ability to detect earthquakes though.
Yes, it seems to have done the trick, indeed.
As for your question, I don’t think I remember someone using foam as a dampener for local noise, and what effects it could have on earthquake detection by the Shake.
I think the best way to see if it does is to wait for some eaarthquakes and see how your instrument behaves. If you have other nearby Shakes, you can even compare waveforms to see how yours is performing.
Adding to my previous reply, I’ve asked around and found out that any material that dampens the local noise will also dampen the earthquake waves your instrument is able to receive.
From your last spectrogram, I don’t think you’ll need it. But, in case you decide to implement that solution, some long-term testing (a month or so) could tell you how much the foam is affecting the waves you record.