Gaps in data

Dear Support,
I have some trouble with a RS3D (RA7A9) that generate a lot of gaps (evry 30 seconds or minutes)…
Maybe it is some issue with the time synchro but ntpq -p seems to give right result, same for ntptime.
What can I do to solve that issue ?

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Hello Mickael,

Thank you for contacting us about this data gaps issue you are experiencing. From what I can see from DataView (Data View: Raspberry Shake Data Visualization Tool), it definitely appears that there is some kind of NTP timing-related issue, or possibly a power supply issue.

Logs will help in defining the situation better. Could you please download them from the Shake rs.local/ page and post them here? If needed, instructions on how to do this can be found on this page: Please read before posting!

Thank you.


Here is the logs from that RS3D.

If you see any reason for that issue I will be very glad. In the fact I have almost the same issue on a Jam also…

Note that before (few weeks ago) that RS3D did not suffer of that issue.

RSH.RA7A9.2023-03-22T13 35 09.logs.tar (5.9 MB)

Hello Mickael,

Thank you for the logs. They have indeed been of help, and here’s what I’ve found.

The Shake booting process, internet connection, and NTP connection appear to be all fine, so that’s good news. However, these lines copy/pasted below

2023 081 13:35:09>>	AAšERa“aoÐe Aa]‘EUFE
2023 081 13:35:09>>	WUBQáHIøc‹d„·ÔEM	E
2023 081 13:35:09>>	5QUBQ:$S»
2023 081 13:35:09>>	1D‹W»%AW+
2023 081 13:35:09>>	Á„ªW2XIÐe Qe;
2023 081 13:35:09>>	5SURQÑDYàg Ó˜E
2023 081 13:35:09>>	UU‚RQ
2023 081 13:35:09>>		16363	302
2023 081 13:35:09>>	No Data has been received from the MCU in 12 read attempts.It appears the MCU is not transmitting data.  This is a fatal condition and should be investigated if this condition persists!
2023 081 13:35:09>>	Data has been successfully received, fatal condition resolved.

show that are errors mixed with some ‘gibberish’ that cannot be successfully interpreted. My first thought would be to check and see if the power supply is delivering a stable voltage between 5.0 and 5.2V and a current of at least 2.5A at all times, as a decrease in power could lead to data services interruption. If you have another Pi power supply that you know is in working condition, please try to exchange the current one with that, and see if the Shake now properly boots.

A second check that you can do is to see if all the connections between the sensor, the blue Shake board, and the Pi board are still solid and free from dirt or any other element that could compromise transmission. This is important, in particular, if the Shake is located in an environment where dust or moisture can affect it. If needed, you can find assembly guides here in our manual: Assembly Guide — Instructions on Setting Up Your Raspberry Shake

I will add that 5.0v seems to be somewhat marginal for some R-PIs.
Check the voltage, under load ON THE R-PI itself.
For whatever reason (cheap) manufacturers use very thin wire in the connection cable and most USB cables - when you draw significant current the voltage drop over the cable can be quite significant.

The PSU delivered with the Shake (at least mine) seems fine in this respect, but I wouldn’t try to extend the power lead at all…

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