It’s been already 4 years that I’m sadly impacted by something bad in my home’s environment. Something stressful, able to run for a few minutes sometimes, sometimes 40 hours, highest times was maybe 100 hours. Making sleep impossible, feeling like on cafeine even when totally exhausted. At first glance I thought it was something related to Water Sewage, or Water supply distribution. I cut all the things in my home, proceed to many checks, had electricity contractors to the house, to check and upgrade things. All in vain. Then I suspected my neighbours, restaurants, backery… but when they were in hollidays, the trouble persisted…
The house is one century old, one basement, one ground level, 2 higher levels. 20X10m of garden, in a city center. I’ve lived so many years there, and also in different other places, lived in 4 different countries, did travels for hollidays in others. I never ever noticed what I’m nowadays experiencing before that time.
Making health checks, Doctors tested me in really good shape on all aspects, neural, virology, heart and so on… It could also be related with type of ground, humidity and electrolyse under ground… It could also be related to Smart Grid, and EMI. An untold topic in France. Or a mix of both. I’m really not helped by the french state.
Second fact : I’ve found during those 4 years that I’m not alone. Many people are more or less complaining with their own words about the same havoc.
I’m curious and stoicist enough to bust the cause of the problem.
As I never found any public servants able to come and monitor my trouble, even if terribly asking for it, I started to monitor the trouble on my own.
First with some smartphone app. It was limited, unable to record over time and archivate the measures made. So I focussed on some piezo-electric sensors, cheap, with good responsiveness. During that 4 years period, I’ve cabled my home with Ethernet cables.
I’ve build a small solution, some piezo-electric sensor connected to an arduino mini, plugged into a raspberry pi. A daemon coded in C is gathering each 10ms (nanoseconds, figure from the piezo-electric sensor), sending by period of 15min measures to central server → Flooding an influxdb server, then graphing with Grafana. I’m at the moment giving some lectures on R langage to access my influxdb datas and try other types of graphs, applying Fourier transforms, f’, f’’…
To handle any surge or power failures, I’ve put all my sensors behind some POE switch, themselves connected to UPC. I can shutdown power coming from the grid for like 30min and continue to record. If doing so, the “noise” continue, by that time nothing is working in the house (except for those sensors).
I also added some microphones in the house, to bust on large scale, then zoom on 25-300Hz, frequency spectrum since sometimes what was a “vibrating” feeling becomes audible.
After a recent weird story in France, located in 3 villages where all the people where severely ill, I gave an attention to infrasounds.
As I own a sinewave generator, I did some tests, confortably sitting in my office’s leather chair, listening to sinewave, modulating its frequency, with some audio-pro headphones, feeling after a few minutes of listening the same effects I was expecting to be vibrations on the ground.
According to Wikipedia, on the Infrasound’s page:
« Air is a very inefficient medium for transferring low frequency vibration from a transducer to the human body. Mechanical connection of the vibration source to the human body, however, provides a potentially dangerous combination. »
It took me quite a long process before discovering Raspishake project. I bought first the RaspiBoom, summer 2021. After a few tests, I finaly put it into my basement. Even if it’s 3 meter under ground, I notice it reacts a lot when it’s windy outside. I also maybe lack a bit of understandings on some datas representation like the frequency spectrum.
I don’t know if what I’m recording is made of high values.
Now I just bought the RaspiShake 1D, received it and started to record and experiment installed into a corner of my sleeping room, the closest to the backer’s house, the dirty neighbour.
I would like to monitor at best the trouble I’m facing, not necessary the « quake project » you handle. (I’ll do that once I’ve put a name or facts on what is hammering me for years).
As I just received my RaspiShake, and to bust all those noise events, I’m wondering if I should install it upstair, or at the basement. Correct me if I’m wrong, I’ve read that infrasounds and shakings comming from the neighborhood, are higher the highest you go in a building.
Concerning the RaspiBoom, I saw a thread someone wrote, to lower wind noises(?), connecting the raspishake’s hose to a bigger watering hose, filled with foam on its edges. Would you do this ?
Last detail. I’ve put some barometric and temperature sensors outside, to be sure that my prejudice has nothing to do with weather. Which is verified.
Coupling RaspiShake, Boom and my own sensors, I want to be able to present facts about this discrete trouble.
(The length of the stress being there for so long now, my only exit door seems to sell my familly house, and leave the shithole France has become.
I sometimes wondered how people living in big seismic areas do, if it’s hurting for the body. It made me think that Hamocs come from those areas. I bought a hamoc and sleep on it. It resolved my trouble for a time, except on some rare “high intensity” nights.
My backer neighbour just added recently a new 400A powerline cable to his house, connected to the grid. The trouble is more aggressive since and I’m facing troubles like when I wasn’t sleeping in a hamoc, waking up at nights when he is producing his dirty bread.
Last test: Sleeping on a boat at the harbor, out of the ground, out of the grid is like a dream)
Thank you for any tips, any advise. I’m curious of all datas.