Firmware/os raspberryshake dead after install openvpn

Hi everyone,

I have problem about my raspyshake, i want to make private raspy using vpn for mynetwork, after install openvpn i’m cannot acces rs.local?have any suggestion for my problem?

when iam check with “ifconfig”, i think iam lost virtual eth from docker, maybe any one can give mw solution.

thankyou very much for your help

after install vpn, virtual eth lost

this is before install vpn

The .local names are managed in a way very different from normal DNS resolution.
They depend upon packets advertizing the name broadcast on an address specific to a network segment. Those packets do not pass to other networks, and almost certainly are not passed by openVPN. To access the web interfaxce you would have to use the IP address.

Similarly, network routing of containers is unlikely to pass through openVPN.

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Thank you philip peake.

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