Fdsnws.raspberryshakedata.com - Data availability

Deal All,

How long is data kept in : https://fdsnws.raspberryshakedata.com/fdsnws

R1396 is on till November 2017, yesterday I was trying to download all the mseed data from 2018-01-01 to 2019-05-01 with an wget loop using this line:

wget --no-check-certificate “https://fdsnws.raspberryshakedata.com/fdsnws/dataselect/1/query?net=$netw&sta=$station&loc=00&cha=$chan&start=$ini&end=$fin” -O $outmseed

and the oldest data available is 2018-09-01, and it reach till nowadays.

Is it normal?

Best Regards,


Hi @mario,

Apologies for the delay. In theory we are able to store data in our repository for two years. We have recently been doing a lot of server maintenance however, so there may be some lingering access issues related to that maintenance. I will ask our admins about this.

Best regards,

Hello all,

I have also same issue regarding the full length data download from server. Is it fixed now?