FDSN web service RASPISHAKE client for ObsPy

Hi everyone!

I am currently playing with my new Raspberry Shake.
I would like to extract waveform data via the Raspberry shake server. I have tried Client(“RASPISHAKE”).
I got the following message: “ValueError: The FDSN service shortcut RASPISHAKE is unknown”
Is there any problem with the server? Or am I doing something wrong?
It does not appear when I check the list of available web service providers.
Thanks a lot :wink:

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Hello nono, welcome to the community!

I tried to replicate the issue, but it seems that this morning the raspishake client is responsive.

In any case, simply use this alternative

client = Client('https://fdsnws.raspberryshakedata.com')

and your code should work fine. For completion, if other users are interested in the same process, it is then possible to download the waveform from any network-connected Shake via ObsPy with the following code:

st = client.get_waveforms('AM', station_code, '00', station_channel, starttime=..., endtime=..., attach_response=True)

according to the ObsPy documentation, that is possible to find here: https://docs.obspy.org/