Error failed building
Hello Shaker, and welcome to the community!
The error that you are seeing (‘Failed building wheel for obspy’) generally occurs when you are trying to install this Python package without some essential dependencies.
The quickest solution to go around this, if you have Anaconda
, is to install ObsPy with this command:
conda install -c conda-forge obspy
This will take care of checking for all missing (or outdated) dependencies, and then install them before installing ObsPy.
Otherwise, you can first update the following modules with:
pip install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel
and then execute:
pip install obspy
This will also take care of any missing dependencies.
This page on their installation wiki may be of use too: Home · obspy/obspy Wiki · GitHub
Lastly, if any of the above doesn’t solve the problem, I suggest deleting your current Python environment, creating a new one from scratch, and installing ObsPy on that one.
If you cannot delete it because you need it for your work/research, then create a different one for ObsPy only, which should fix your issue.