Debian Update from 10 (buster)

Hi Support

I notice that my RS4D and Boom are both running Debian 10, buster.

lsb_release -d
Description: Raspbian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)

Will it be possible to update to 11 or 12 as I’d like to run Cockpit to manage all my Pis and the shakenets are the only ones I cannot install the Cockpit files onto as buster is not supported?



Hello Jeffi,

That’s correct; our latest Shake OS (v0.20) runs a modified Debian 10 (Buster) release.

It is possible that, for a future Shake OS version, we could be implementing the latest (at the time) Debian release (12+), but there is no current ETA for this to happen. You can do two things for now:

  1. if what you want to achieve is not urgent, wait for a new, updated Shake OS release; or
  2. try to upgrade the OS yourself and see if anything breaks.

You can easily perform all the tests you want, as going back to the current Shake OS is just a microSD card re-burn away: microSD card topics

If you find that the new Debian releases do break something, a possible (temporary) solution could be installing ZeroTier (How to connect to Raspberry Shake remotely) to help manage the Shake. However, I think that this could be doing less than what Cockpit is able to do, so I don’t know if it can be an effective alternative for you.

If you have other questions, let me know.